Create a Nature Mandala

Breathe fresh air. Appreciate nature’s wonder. Create something beautiful.
Greetings you gorgeous beings,
Are you looking for something to do this weekend that is outdoorsy, fun + satisfying? Look no further because today we’re learning how to make a nature mandala!
Mandalas are circular geometric shapes. In some religions, they are spiritual symbols that represent the universe, the circle of life and the interconnectedness of all things. Creating a mantra can relax the body, calm the mind, and help to to cultivate inner peace and well-being. Plus, it’s fun!
I was inspired to create a nature mandala after coming across the fantastic book Morning Altars, by the Bay Area based author and artist Day Schildkret.
**Please note that this exercise is not the same as what Day Schildrekt describes in his book, but rather it was inspired by his art.

The process for creating a nature mandala is simple.
- Check out Day Schildrekt’s website for inspiration. His art is simply stunning.
- Don your face mask (if you’re reading this during quarantine!)
- Grab a basket or nice bag to collect your findings.
- Go on a walk. You can also wander around your yard if you have one.
- Pay attention to your surroundings and all the beautiful nature around you. A tree, a bush, a flower, leaves on the ground.
- Notice what catches your eye and gather some nature findings. Take what you need, and don’t take too much. It’s a lovely and respectful practice to ask the plant before you take it’s flowers or leaves, and then say “thank you.” After all, you are taking a piece of it.
- Lay out your findings, inside or outside.
- Choose an object(s) to be in the center, and start to build your mandala out from there. Don’t overthink it; when you pick up an item, just notice where it wants to go or where it would look nice. Let your intuition guide you. Enjoy the process!
- Sit back and take in the beauty of your creation! Give thanks to nature for it’s gifts and perhaps dedicate your altar to someone you love or someone that needs support – even yourself.
Questions to Ponder
- How do you feel when you take time for a walk?
- What was the most beautiful thing you saw today?
- What is one benefit you gained from this exercise?
Plant Medicine + Communication
Do you love plants and want to learn more about how they communicate and benefit us? Check out RAC episode 11: Plant Medicine + Communication with Anna Bazarnaya
Wake up to the wonder of nature and have a magical day!
Rainbows Are Circles
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