Self-Love with Rachel Strivelli – 022

Self-Love with Rachel Strivelli – 022

Rachel Strivelli headshotIn this episode…

The person that you spend the most time with in the whole entire world is… yourself! 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for your entire life. You’re literally with yourself all the time. So have you ever thought about how your relationship with yourself is going?

Are you supportive and kind to yourself? Or are you constantly judging and criticizing yourself? 

Our guest today is writer and spiritual coach Rachel Strivelli. She’ll teach us how to develop a healthy and loving relationship with ourselves so we can shine brightly and move through the world with self-confidence!


We will explore:

  • Why is it difficult for people to express who they really are? How does this affect our confidence?
  • How can we use nature as a mirror to develop greater self-awareness?
  • What is negative self-talk and how can we speak more kindly to ourselves?
  • What is the progress principle and how can small daily changes nurture self-love and confidence?

About Rachel Strivelli

Rachel Strivelli is a spiritual coach, nurturer of life, writer and organic gardener. She helps people to cultivate self-acceptance in order to gain more happiness & energy for pursuing their dreams. She creates content on her website and YouTube channel about mindfulness, manifesting, self-talk, self-trust, and working in harmony with nature. Rachel has been featured in Thrive Global, Tiny Buddha, and Positively Positive, just to name a few. 


Thanks for tuning in and have a magical day!




Enhance your well-being and join me for yoga and meditation on my website and YouTube channel!


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